助理教授 / Assistant Professor
諮商心理與人力資源發展學系 / Department of Counseling Psychology and Human Resource Development
國立暨南國際大學 / National Chi Nan University
主任 / Director
諮商中心 / Counseling Center
國立暨南國際大學 / National Chi Nan University
美國馬里蘭大學諮商教育博士 / Ph.D. Counselor Education,Department of Counseling and Personnel Services,University of Maryland at College Park
.蕭富聰、張永安(2016)。『安心專線』研究報告:關係議題自殺個案生前心理狀態剖析 。台北市:社團法人台北市生命線協會。 (歡迎來信索取研究報告全文)
.蕭富聰(2016)。個人性別態度檢測量表編修與常模建置 。台中市:財團法人勵馨基金會台中分事務所。
.蕭富聰(2015)。『安心專線』研究報告:自殺者生前情緒困擾與自殺風險程度之分析研究 。台北市:社團法人台北市生命線協會。 (歡迎來信索取研究報告全文)
.蕭富聰(2013)。『安心專線』研究報告:自殺危機處理熱線服務之短期效能評量 。台北市:社團法人台北市生命線協會。 (歡迎來信索取研究報告全文)
.Gottfredson, G. D., Pas, E. T., Nese, J. F., Nebbergal, A. J., Strein, W., & Shaw, F. (2009). An experimental outcome evaluation of the Second Step elementary school universal prevention program: Technical report.Washington,DC: Government Printing Office.
.Shaw, F., & Chu, K. Y. (2014, June). The immediate effects of the suicide hotline helping models on caller emotional distress and suicide risk. Paper presented at the 45th International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Copenhagen, Denmark. (點擊超連結可下載PPT)
.Liao, C. H., & Shaw, F. (2014, June). The mental health status of adolescents in family crisis--Using sexual harassment/assault and bullying as mediator variables. Poster presented at the 45th International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.
.Shaw, F., & Chiang,W. H. (2013, September). Process and outcome evaluation of Taiwan suicide prevention hotline: A preliminary study. Paper presented at the 27th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Oslo, Norway. (點擊超連結可下載PPT)
.Shaw, F., Chu, K. Y., Chiang, W. H., Chang, Y. F., Chen, L. C., Chen, P. W., Cheng, H. C., Li, C. I., & Shih, S. L. (2013, September). Reaching the target population: A descriptive analysis of the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and the Taipei Lifeline database. Poster presented at the 27th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Oslo, Norway. (點擊超連結可下載壁報)
.江文賢、蕭富聰(2012,12月)。台灣自殺防治熱線之效果評量(I)。論文發表於2012第十屆台灣心理治療與心理衛生聯合會,台北市。 (點擊超連結可下載PPT)
.蕭富聰、江文賢(2012,12月)。台灣自殺防治熱線之效果評量(II)。壁報發表於2012第十屆台灣心理治療與心理衛生聯合會,台北市。 (點擊超連結可下載壁報)
.李貞宜、陳佩雯、蕭富聰、江文賢(2012,12月)。各縣市民眾使用求助專線之人口特質差異研究:以衛生署安心專線及台北市生命線專線資料庫為例。壁報發表於2012第十屆台灣心理治療與心理衛生聯合會,台北市。 (點擊超連結可下載壁報)
.陳麗娟、施幸利、蕭富聰、江文賢(2012,12月)。高齡者求助問題之探究:以台北市生命線專線(2009-2011年)為例。壁報發表於2012第十屆台灣心理治療與心理衛生聯合會,台北市。 (點擊超連結可下載壁報)
.張宜芳、鄭惠君、蕭富聰、江文賢(2012,12月)。台灣成年人撥打安心專線之求助原因分析。壁報發表於2012第十屆台灣心理治療與心理衛生聯合會,台北市。 (點擊超連結可下載壁報)
.Chang, H., Li, C., & Shaw, F. (2011, August). Why suicide? An analysis of 2005-2009 newspaper data in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 26th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Beijing, China.
.Shaw, F., & Chuang, M. (2009, April). The effect of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and school climate on public high school student achievement. Paper presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California.
.Chuang, M., & Shaw, F. (2009, April). Investigating how more self-regulated and less self-regulated readers approach L1 and L2 reading tasks. Paper presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California.
.Gottfredson, G. D., Nebbergal, A., Nese, J., Harak, E., & Shaw, F. (2008, June). An experimental evaluation of an elementary school social competency instruction program. Paper presented at the Social and Character Development Research Program Consortium, Arlington, VA.
.Gonzalez, I. A., Shaw, F., & Holcomb-McCoy, C. (2008, May). Transforming school counselor: A conceptual model for the change process. Program presented at the annual conference of the Maryland Association for Counseling and Development, Columbia, Maryland.
.Shaw, F. (2008, March). The effect of student socioeconomic status and school climate on public school performance: An ecological analysis. Paper presented at the Education Discourses in the 21st Century, College Park, MD.
.Shaw, F. (2008, March). Reducing the overrepresentation of African American youth in juvenile justice system: An advocacy model for school counselors. Paper presented at annual conference of the American Counseling Association, Honolulu, HI.
.Gottfredson, G. D., Nebbergal, A., Nese, J., Harak, E., & Shaw, F. (2008, March). An experimental evaluation of three-years of implementation of an elementary school social competency instructional program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington DC.
.Shaw, F. (2006, April). The effect of first offense experiences, dysfunctional parents, and delinquent peers on recidivated juvenile offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Counseling Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.